We have a very simple solution to solve the problem of error codes on the top side control panel or if you are also seeing your lights flash alerting you that you have an error code. It is actually the same solution to most computer problems, reboot. I know it is sounds too simple but rebooting solves many computer problems and rebooting solves many hot tub error codes as well.
To reboot the hot tub, just turn the breaker off to the spa, wait a couple of seconds, and then turn it back on. This will reboot the spa and reset any error codes. If the error code returns, then we need to figure out what the code means and how to fix it. The easiest place to get this information is on the Arctic Spa app on your phone or on our website at ArcticSpasUtah.com/support.
Feel free to email us at support@arcticspasutah.com or give us a call at 801-483-1001 extension 2 for more help.